Wausau, WI is four hours from where I live, and turns out to be an enjoyable place to visit. I was there for the opening reception of the Midwest Seasons Gallery Gala. I was able to visit galleries, an art museum, parks, attend the gala, and have dinner with a friend. There was a nice attendance at the event, and I was pleased to meet gallery owners, artists, and art enthusiasts.The Center for Visual Arts is in a friendly part of town, and the gallery space was airy and bright. The weather did not cooperate for painting outside (freezing drizzle-my least favorite weather!), but I did see plenty of inspiring scenes in town and on my drive home. Hopefully I'll be back to paint!
My painting "Shadow Dance", pastel, was well received by viewers. The show had quite a variety of media and styles and was enjoyable to view. I am honored to have been able to be a part of this fine event.