While viewing photos of a new baby I was stopped by one of little feet. How cute were these!? Irresistible - they had to be painted. I hadn't gotten a baby gift yet for the new parents, and I thought they'd enjoy a painting of their little daughter. I got to work, wrapped it, and gave it to the mother. And yes, mom says, the painting is much enjoyed.
It has been my pleasure to enrich the lives of a number of people lately - my paintings have been given as gifts for special occasions. The events included birthdays, wedding anniversaries, new baby, and (my favorite - husband points all over this one!) Honey, I thought of you today. Some of the paintings were commissions, others were chosen for the special meaning they have for the recipient. Commissions included loved ones, both human and pets, which are paintings that are treasured by all. Landscape paintings were chosen because they evoke fond memories of places and events whenever the painting is viewed. I expect recipients of these gifts to be happy, but an unexpected benefit is to see how happy the gift giver is for these events. Someone who gives the gift of art knows that the gift will be like no other, and it is truly from and to the heart: from me, the creator, through the giver, to the receiver. Thank you to all whose lives have been enhanced and who have done so for mine, too.
An aspect I so love about my life as an artist is being able to watch the reactions on people’s faces as they view my work. I paint to capture the images that quicken my heart and I’m always delighted when I see that flash of joy in someone else.
Discovering pastels, compressed sticks of pigment applied to paper, I discovered my medium. Their luscious colors and the special light that finished paintings emit drew me to them. Pastels are also easy to work with, needing nothing extra for application or clean up, which was a bonus with three small children at home. Since I’d spent so much time doing laundry as the kids grew, I set up an easel and a still life in my basement next to the washing machine. I could apply a few strokes of color between loads. It was slow going, but I finished paintings.
As the children grew, I ventured out to paint and attend classes.
An opportunity came to rent a studio of my own. Once out of the basement and into the light, I rejoiced in instilling that sense of light into my paintings. And I smile when I see people notice.